Approximately 5-20% of children worldwide suffer from atopic dermatitis (AD), a kind of dermatitis characterized as an inflammatory, relapsing, noncontagious and itchy skin disorder. Children often develop AD during their first year of life. An increased rate of sensitization to both food and aeroallergens has been shown to coexist in patients with AD. Sensitization to well-known allergens such as cow's milk protein can occur on average in 50% of children with AD. In general, quality of life (QoL) is perceived as the quality of an individual's daily life, that is, an assessment of their well-being or lack thereof. QoL is a broad concept that includes such things as standard of living, community, and family life. Patients with skin diseases experience a wide range of symptoms ranging from trivial problems to major handicaps which affect their lives. The misery of living with AD cannot be overstated for it may have a profoundly negative effect on the health-related QoL of children and their families in many cases. Physicians taking care of children with AD should consult parents on how their child's illness has impacted their lifestyle and recommend professional intervention if deemed necessary.

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