Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common skin conditions among infants. Proteins found in cow's milk formula (CMF) have been found to be attributable to heightened AD risk, particularly in infants with familial AD heredity. Previous studies have suggested that intervention with partially hydrolyzed formula in nonexclusively breastfed infants can have a protective effect against AD development. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the estimates of the economic impact of reducing the AD incidence by feeding a partially hydrolyzed whey-based formula (PHF-W) instead of a standard CMF to high-risk nonexclusively breastfed urban infants for the first 17 weeks of life in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore. Methods: In each country, a mathematical model simulated AD incidence and burden from birth to 6 years of age of using PHF-W versus CMF in the target population using data from the German Infant Nutritional Intervention study. The models integrated literature, current cost and market data, and expert clinician opinion. Modeled outcomes included AD risk reduction, time spent after AD diagnosis, AD symptom-free days, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), and costs (direct and indirect). Outcomes were discounted at 3% per year. Costs were expressed in USD. Results: Feeding high-risk infants PHF-W instead of CMF resulted in an estimated absolute 14% (95% CI 1-24) AD risk reduction, a 0.69-year (95% CI 0.25-1.13) reduction in the time spent after AD diagnosis per child, reductions of 16-38 AD days, and gains in 0.02-0.04 QALYs, depending on the country. The per-child AD-related 6-year cost-saving estimates of feeding high-risk infants with PHF-W versus CMF were USD 739 in Singapore, USD 372 in Malaysia, and USD 237 in the Philippines.