Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition in children. In Asia, the prevalence of AD is increasing, which is largely attributed to environmental and socioeconomic factors including family income, parental education, lifestyle and metropolitan living. Current clinical guidelines recommend a stepped approach in the management of eczema in children, with treatment steps tailored to the severity of the eczema. To address the skin barrier dysfunction, skin hydration and the application of emollients is essential. There is evidence supporting the use of bleach baths as an antimicrobial therapy against Staphylococcus aureus. In patients in whom topical treatment fails, wet wrap therapy may be considered as a treatment option before considering systemic therapies. In the second part of this article, the economic burden of AD is addressed. AD not only negatively impacts the child's quality of life but also that of the whole family and is associated with a burden on health-care costs and society. AD in an infant will lead to frequent additional visits to the pediatrician, to additional and partially expensive treatment costs and, in rare cases, to hospitalization. It is thus of utmost importance to define efficient strategies to not only treat AD but also to decrease the risk of developing the disease.

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