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Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Am J Nephrol (1992) 12 (4): 265–267.
Published Online: 28 October 2008
... that anterior pituitary hormones, particularly growth hormone, play a role in the pathogenesis of the microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus. While most observers have demonstrated the importance of growth hormone in the initiation and progression of diabetic retinopathy [2, 3], the role of growth...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Am J Nephrol (1992) 12 (5): 344–350.
Published Online: 28 October 2008
... were on maintenance dialysis – were consecutively evaluated for 6-24 months (mean follow-up of 18 months). Visual acuity and diabetic retinopathy stabilized or improved in all 18 eyes of the transplant patients and in 41 of 44 (93%) eyes of the dialysis patients. When first evaluated, economically...
Journal Articles