The DNA repair system is essential for the maintenance of genome integrity and is mainly investigated in the areas of aging and cancer. The DNA repair system is strikingly cell-type specific, depending on the expression of DNA repair factors; therefore, different DNA repair systems may exist in each type of kidney cell. Importance of DNA repair in the kidney is suggested by renal phenotypes caused by both genetic mutations in the DNA repair pathway and increased stimuli of DNA damage. Recently, we reported the importance of DNA double-strand break repair in glomerular podocytes and its involvement in the alteration of DNA methylation status, which regulates podocyte phenotypes. In this review, we summarize the roles of the DNA repair system in the kidneys and possible associations with altered kidney DNA methylation, which have been infrequently reported together. Investigations of DNA damage repair and epigenetic changes in the kidneys may achieve a profound understanding of kidney aging and diseases.

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