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Keywords: Transcobalamins
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1973) 49 (4): 223–234.
Published Online: 04 March 2009
...A.K. Saraya; S.K. Chopra In 74 adults with serum B 12 Z. 140 pg/ml with or without anaemia, unsaturated B 12 -binding capacity (UBBC), total B 12 -binding capacity and transcobalamin I and II (TC I, TC II) were determined using 57 Co B 12 . The results were statistically analysed in relatíon...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1975) 53 (6): 356–361.
Published Online: 04 March 2009
... years follow-up of a patient with persistent eosinophilia of 60% mature eosinophils. The only clues for the diagnosis of leukemia were splenomegaly and high serum vitamin B 12 , most of which was bound to transcobalamin I. The latter finding presents a useful diagnostic criterium in myeloproliferative...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1975) 54 (2): 89–94.
Published Online: 03 March 2009
...S.N. Wickramasinghe; J.M. England; J.E. Saunders; M.C. Down A study of the uptake of transcobalamin-bound 57 Co-cyanocobalamin by suspensions of human bone marrow cells has indicated that these cells can take up vitamin B 12 from all 3 transcobalamins (I, II and III). Similar transport processes...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1978) 60 (5): 316–320.
Published Online: 03 March 2009
... of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheba Key Words. Chronic granulocytic leukemia Paraproteinemia Bence Jones protein Transcobalamins Alkylating agents Abstract. A patient with chronic granulocytic leukemia, neutrophilic type, was followed for 28 months. A paraproteinemia...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1993) 89 (4): 195–199.
Published Online: 18 February 2009
...S. Benhayoun; C. Adjalla; J.P. Nicolas; J.L. Guéant; D. Lambert The concentration of plasma vitamin B 12 bound to transcobalamin II was measured by two methods: QUSO® and Heparin Sepharose® (HS). The new HS procedure provided a specific, direct measurement of vitamin B 12 bound to both R binder...