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Keywords: Megakaryoblastic leukemia
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Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1989) 81 (1): 1–4.
Published Online: 24 February 2009
...Enrico M. Pogliani; Mariangela Colombi; Elisabetta Cofrancesco; Marco Salvatore; Camilla Fowst Platelet function profiles were studied in 3 patients with megakaryoblastic leukemia. All patients had a moderate decrease in platelet counts with abnormal platelet retention. One patient who developed...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1989) 81 (2): 104–108.
Published Online: 24 February 2009
...Masashi Adachi; Ryukichi Ryo; Akinori Yoshida; Nobuo Yamaguchi; Yoichiro Izumi A 72-year-old man with refractory anemia (RA) developed overt megakaryoblastic leukemia after the course of RA with excess of blasts. The blasts were positive for platelet peroxidase activity and had platelet...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (2002) 108 (1): 13–18.
Published Online: 22 July 2002
...Noriko Kitamura; Masahiro Koshiba; Osamu Horie; Ryukichi Ryo Granulysin is a newly reported cytolytic molecule and colocalizes with perforin and granzymes in the granules of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and natural killer (NK) cells. In this study, we found that the megakaryoblastic leukemia cell...