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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1974) 52 (1): 40–46.
Published Online: 04 March 2009
...K. Miloszewski; M.J. Sheltawy; M.S. Losowsky Factor XIII levels are within the normal range in patients with pathological fibrinolysis and remain unchanged in the intense fibrinolytic state induced by streptokinase infusion. Incubation of plasma with streptokinase in vitro results in lysis...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1974) 51 (6): 321–330.
Published Online: 04 March 2009
... with the action of factor XIII by FDP was demonstrated. FDP, prepared in vitro, could act as substrate for factor XIII although compared with casein FDP are a poor substrate. Patients with high titres of FDP in their sera form normal insoluble clot. Defective fibrin stabilisation does not appear to be important...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1977) 58 (2): 79–83.
Published Online: 03 March 2009
...(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Blood coagulation Clot dispersion Factor XIII Fibrinogen Fibrin stabilization Fibrin urea dispersion Acta hacmat...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1984) 71 (5): 304–309.
Published Online: 25 February 2009
...J.D. Fear; K.J.A. Miloszewski; M.S. Losowsky A patient with an acquired inhibitor to factor XIII is reported. The patient’s plasma produced a profound inhibition of factor XIII activity in normal plasma measured by a dansylcadaverine casein assay and stimulated a very abnormal pattern of fibrin...