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Keywords: Elliptocytosis
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1972) 47 (4): 210–216.
Published Online: 05 March 2009
...Luan Eng Lie-Injo; A. Fix; J.M. Bolton; R.H. Gilman A survey was made of 1,384 Malayan aborigines for frequencies of abnormal haemoglobin and hereditary elliptocytosis. The subjects were: 137 healthy adults (93 jungle police and 44 hospital personnel), 384 patients from the Ulu Gombak Aborigine...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1972) 48 (1): 1–11.
Published Online: 05 March 2009
...G. Torlontano; L. Fontana; A. de Laurenzi; G. PaPa; M. Proietti The of the erythrocyte biochemistry in 15 cases of hereditary elliptocytosis, shown and both before and after incubation with APHand an increase of G6PDH, NAPDH-GR, HK, PFK, ENOL, and LDH activities. A slight decrease in ALD and ATP...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1974) 51 (1): 51–54.
Published Online: 04 March 2009
...M.L. Ghosh A patient with hereditary elliptocytosis and pernicious anaemia is described. After the treatment with hydroxocobalamin the patient’s clinical condition and blood picture became entirely normal, except the persistence of elliptocytes of hereditary origin. Gene interaction...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1984) 72 (1): 26–28.
Published Online: 25 February 2009
...M. Djaldetti; A. Cohen; J. Hart A patient with polycythemia vera showed marked elliptocytosis in the peripheral blood, 2 years after the diagnosis was established. 4 years later on, the patient developed myelofibrosis. The significance of elliptocytosis, which appears during the course...
Journal Articles
Subject Area:
Hematology , Oncology
Acta Haematol (1986) 75 (3): 174–177.
Published Online: 25 February 2009
...J.L. Rummens; C. Verfaillie; A. Criel; M. Hidajat; A. Vanhoof; H. Van den Berghe; A. Louwagie Marked elliptocytosis and schistocytosis are described as unusual manifestations of haematopoietic dysplasia in two patients. The first patient, whose history was negative for inherited haemolytic anaemias...