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December 1998
ISSN 0001-5792
EISSN 1421-9662
In this Issue
Acta Haematologica 1998, Vol. 100, No. 3
Original Paper
Hepatitis C Virus and Immunoglobulin Gene Rearrangements: An Early Step in Lymphomagenesis?
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 117–122.
Rabbit IgG Antibodies against Cord Red Blood Cell Membranes Bind to Complement Receptor 1 (CD35)
Anna Lisa Giuliani; Roberto Pora; Marina Verenini; Lorenza Unis; Giuseppe Graldi; Luisa Ferrari; Francesco Lanza; Edith Wiener; Hans U. Lutz; Fortunato Vesce; Gilberto Berti
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 123–129.
Determination of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Peripheral Blood by an Automated Hematology Analyzer (SE-9000)
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 130–136.
Changes in Serum Thrombopoietin Levels after Splenectomy
Naoaki Ichikawa; Kiyoshi Kitano; Shigetaka Shimodaira; Fumihiro Ishida; Toshiro Ito; Shoji Kajikawa; Tomoyuki Tahara; Takashi Kato; Kendo Kiyosawa
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 137–141.
Some Aspects of Morphological and Dysplastic Changes of the Bone Marrow in Malignant Lymphoma
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 142–146.
Influence of α-Thalassemia on Cholelithiasis in SS Patients with Elevated Hb F
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 147–150.
Case Report
Immunoblastic Lymphadenopathy-Like T Cell Lymphoma Evolving into a Massive Plasma Cell Proliferation with Biclonal Paraproteinemia
Takakazu Higuchi; Jun-ichi Tada; Hiraku Mori; Haruo Niikura; Mitsuhiro Omine; Koji Kishimoto; Genshu Tate; Toshiyuki Mitsuya
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 151–155.
Pseudoreticulocytosis in a Case of Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 156–158.
Brief Communication
Cyclosporine and Entrapment Neuropathy : Report of Two Cases
Ken Kaito; Masayuki Kobayashi; Hiroko Otsubo; Yoji Ogasawara; Toru Sekita; Takaki Shimada; Tatsuo Hosoya
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 159.
Hemophagocytic Ability of Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 160–161.
L-Carnitine Treatment in Beta Thalassemia Major
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 162–163.
Letter to the Editor
Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy: Treatment in Three Cases
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 164–165.
Thromboembolism in β-Thalassemia Major
Acta Haematol (1998) 100 (3): 166.