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March – April 2009
ISSN 0001-5547
EISSN 1938-2650
Acta Cytologica 2009, Vol. 53, No. 2
Special Section
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): I–III.
Expression of K Homology Domain Containing Protein (KOC) in Pancreatic Cytology with Corresponding Histology
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 123–129.
Utility of a Liquid-Based, Monolayer Preparation in the Evaluation of Thyroid Lesions by Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy: Comparison with the Conventional Smear Method
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 130–136.
Contribution of Nuclear Morphometry by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy to the Diagnosis of Malignant Bile Duct Strictures
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 137–143.
Biomarker p16INK4a on Paraffin Sections Prepared from Cervical Brush Samples Highlights Nuclear Changes Resulting in Unquestionable Cytohistodiagnosis
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Penny A. Brons-Holloway; Elle K.J. Risse; Elisabeth M. Meijer-Marres; Saskia M. Duineveld; Elisabeth Ouwerkerk-Noordam; Mathilde E. Boon
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 144–149.
Gynecologic Cytopathology
High Risk Human Papillomavirus DNA Detection in Pap Tests with Both Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance and Candida
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 150–152.
Clinical Significance of Atypical Glandular Cells in Conventional Pap Smears in a Large, High-Risk U.S. West Coast Minority Population
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 153–159.
Using Poisson Regression to Compare Rates of Unsatisfactory Pap Smears Among Gynecologists and to Evaluate a Performance Improvement Plan
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 160–164.
Nongynecologic Cytopathology
Cytologic Detection of Demodex folliculorum in Cases with Persisting Skin Disorders
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 165–173.
Fine Needle Aspiration
Clinicopathologic Profile of Significant Cervical Lymphadenopathy in Children Aged 1–12 Years
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 174–178.
Cytologic Features of Hidradenoma in Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 179–182.
Case Reports
Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix, High-Risk Human Papilloma Virus Infection and p16INK4a Expression: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
José Eleutério Jr; Paulo César Giraldo; Diane Isabelle Magno Cavalcante; Ana Katherine S. Gonçalves; Renata Mirian Nunes Eleutério; Helena Patricia Donovan Giraldo
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 188–190.
Retroperitoneal Cystic Abdominal Lymphangiomatosis Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 191–194.
Chronic Ovarian Pregnancy Mimicking an Ovarian Tumor Diagnosed by Peritoneal Washing Cytology: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 195–197.
Intravascular Lymphomatosis Initially Suspected from Uterine Cytology: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Itsuko Nakamichi; Kouki Shimazu; Jun-ichiro Ikeda; Amane Yamauchi; Jun Ishiko; Masao Mizuki; Yuzuru Kanakura; Katsuyuki Aozasa
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 198–200.
Cytologic Features of Benign Solitary Pulmonary Nodules with Radiologic Correlation and Diagnostic Pitfalls: A Report of Six Cases
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Shahidul Islam; Nicolas L. D. Roustan Delatour; Shafeeq R. Salahdeen; Kien T. Mai; Mary Senterman; Ghadeer A. Mokhtar
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 201–210.
Discrepant Cytologic and Radiographic Findings in Adjacent Galactocele and Fibroadenoma: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 211–214.
Cytologic Features of Metastatic Lymphoepithelial Carcinoma in Pleural Fluid: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 215–218.
Rare Potential Pitfall in Endoscopic Ultrasound–Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Gastric Duplication Cyst: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 219–222.
An Unusual Presentation of Aspergillus Species in a Routine Cervicovaginal Pap Smear: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 229–231.
Cytologic Features of Hydatidiform Mole: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 232–234.
Unusual Presentation of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia as Multiple Skin Chloromas: Report of a Case with Clinical and Cytologic Correlation
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 235–238.
Letters To The Editors
Biomarker p16INK4a on Paraffin Sections from Residual Material: Cancerous Tissue Fragments Overlooked in False Negative Papanicolaou-Stained Thin-Layer Slide
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 239–240.
Cytology Features of Bing-Neel Syndrome
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 240–243.
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Molluscum Contagiosum
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2009) 53 (2): 243–244.