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July – August 2008
ISSN 0001-5547
EISSN 1938-2650
Acta Cytologica 2008, Vol. 52, No. 4
Special Section
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): I–IV.
Into Africa: Cytology for One World
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 399.
Fine Needle Aspiration
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Nigeria
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 400–403.
Utility of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Mediastinal Lesions: A Clinicopathologic Study of 161 Cases from a Single Institution
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Deepa Goel; Aruna K. Prayaga; Challa Sundaram; Digumarti Raghunadharao; Senthil J. Rajappa; Susarla Rammurti; Talluri Manmadha Rao; Ravinutala Venkata Kumar
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 404–411.
Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hamartoma by Fine Needle Biopsy
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 412–417.
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Lymph Node: Experience of 2 University Hospitals with Conventional Smears and Liquid-Based Cytology
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 418–423.
Species-Specific Immunocytochemical Localization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in Fine Needle Aspirates of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Using Antibody to 38 kDa Immunodominant Protein Antigen
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Tuberculosis and Respiratory System 2019
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 424–433.
Gynecologic Cytopathology
Significance of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus DNA–Positive Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance Pap Smears in Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Cytology
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 434–438.
Performance of 3 Methods for Quality Control for Gynecologic Cytology Diagnoses
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Maria Lucia Utagawa; Neuza Kasumi Shirata; Maria da Gloria Mattosinho de Castro Ferraz; Celso di Loreto; Miria Dall’ Agnol; Adhemar Longatto-Filho
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 439–444.
Nongynecologic Cytopathology
Cytologic Features of Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma: A Review of 7 Cases
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 445–450.
Case Reports
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Intraosseous Ganglion: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 451–453.
Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytology of Cutaneous Calcinosis in a 74-Year-Old Woman with Dermatomyositis on Methotrexate Therapy: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 454–458.
Cytologic Diagnosis of Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma of the Lower Extremity by Fine Needle Aspiration and Correlation with Core Biopsy: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 459–463.
Intraabdominal Hydatid Cyst: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 464–466.
Cytologic Characteristics of Intracytoplasmic Refractile Eosinophilic Granular Bodies in Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 467–470.
Fine Needle Aspiration Diagnosis of Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica (Brown Tumor of Bone): A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 471–474.
Clear Cell Carcinoma in a Background of Endometriosis: Case Report of a Finding in a Midline Abdominal Scar 5 Years After a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 475–480.
Cytologic Diagnosis of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Ascitic Fluid: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 481–484.
Breast Metastasis from Uterine Leiomyosarcoma Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration: A Case Report
Topic Article Package:
Topic Article Package: Cytology
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Lina Pappa; Nektaria Zagorianakou; Evangelia Kitsiou; Evdoxia Sintou-Mantela; Maria Bafa; Vassiliki Malamou-Mitsi
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 485–489.
Cytologic Features of Hepatoid Carcinoma of the Ovary: A Case Report with Immunocytologic Evaluation of HepPar1
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Eva Tejerina González; Miguel Argüelles; José A. Jiménez-Heffernan; Patricia Dhimes; Blanca Vicandi; Fernando Pinedo
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 490–494.
Preoperative Fine Needle Aspiration Cytologic Diagnosis of Spindle Cell Myoepithelioma of the Parotid Gland: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 495–499.
Fine Needle Aspiration in Aspergilloma of Frontal Sinus: A Case Report
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 500–504.
Letters To The Editors
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 509–511.
Tubercular Epididymo-orchitis Masquerading as Testicular Malignancy: An Interesting Case
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 511–512.
Associated Cytologic Findings on Pap Tests from Patients with Genital Herpes: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis in 82 Cases Over 11 Years
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 512–514.
Diagnosis of Giardiasis by Common Bile Duct Brushing Cytology
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 514–515.
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of Pleomorphic Adenoma and Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Gland
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 515–517.
Cytologic Findings of an Uncommon Rosette-Forming Osteosarcoma
Subject Area:
Pathology and Cell Biology
Acta Cytologica (2008) 52 (4): 517–519.