Objective: To elaborate figures that highlight the microscopic appearance of amastigote forms of the genus Leishmania and other structures subject to confusion during the routine of the direct examination of tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL). Study Design: We reviewed imprint and scraping slides previously prepared from patients with a definite diagnosis. Smear examinations were performed with an immersion objective (×1,000) selecting structures of interest for photodocumentation and elaboration of the illustrations. Results: We elaborated two 13 × 17 cm figures containing photomicrographs of amastigote forms with typical and atypical morphology of Leishmania parasites and other microorganisms, mainly fungi in the yeast-like phase and bacteria which could be confused with amastigote forms during the direct examination. Conclusions: The production of material like we show here is important and should be encouraged because of the need for constant training of professionals working in the area of TL diagnosis.