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Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1990) 138 (3): 261–264.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
...Norman Grim The retina of the common mole, Scalopus aquaticus , has been studied with the transmission electron microscope. Structures examined include: pigment epithelium, outer and inner segments of the sensory cells, and synaptic ribbons of the outer plexiform layer. Rods and cones described...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1988) 133 (4): 337–340.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
... after bleeding, and the phagosome numbers per 5 pigment cells counted and compared with control retinae. A severe decrease was evident after bleeding and the decrease leveled off 48 h afterwards. Reinfusion with dextrose had a positive beneficial effect. 10 03 1988 27 04 1988 15 7 2008...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1988) 133 (1): 27–29.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...David T. Yew; Winnie W.Y Li; D.R. Zhang; Z.B. Luo The activities in mouse retinae were evaluated after 6-hydroxydopamine injection. A significant increase in labeled leucine uptake was evident in the photoreceptor layer. Latex uptake in the pigment epithelium showed no changes. Denervation...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1985) 122 (4): 201–204.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...José A. Armengol; Francisco Prada; José M. Génis-Gálvez The present work describes the presence of some photoreceptor nuclei in the embryonic and adult chick retina which are situated outside of the external limiting membrane. We also discuss their possible degenerative character. 15 03 1984...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1987) 128 (3): 204–209.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...A. Quesada; J. Ambrosíani; M.E. Dorado; J.M. Génis-Gálvez On a morphological and ultrastructural level, we studied a thickening which appears on the ascending prolongation of bipolar cells in the chick retina. We first observed this thickening on day 10 of incubation and it remains unchanged...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1988) 132 (3): 256–259.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...A. Quesada; C. Chmielewski; A. Espinar; J. Ambrosiani; F.A. Prada Ultrastructurally, two different bipolar cell types can be distinguished in the retina of the chick embryo: one pale or electron-lucent and the other dark or electron-dense. The different electron density was seen over the whole cell...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1989) 134 (1): 54–56.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...David T. Yew; D. Da Ren Zhang; Betta S.W. Hui; Winnie W.Y. Li The development of the retina of the albino rat was studied after sectioning of the optic nerves on the 2nd postnatal day. The 2nd day represents a stage at which the retina shows only the ganglion cell layer clearly delineated from...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1978) 102 (1): 90–93.
Published Online: 11 July 2008
...David T. Yew; Yau-wa Chan The effects of laser irradiation on light-adapted (normal cycle) and dark-adapted rat retinas were compared. The dark-adapted retinas suffered very extensive damage following laser treatment. 21 09 1971 11 7 2008 © 1978 S. Karger AG, Basel 1978...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1981) 110 (1): 35–39.
Published Online: 10 July 2008
...J.A. Armengol; F. Prada; J.M. Génis-Gálvez The cones of the chameleon retina have, in the scleral portion of their inner segment, an oil drop whose morphology is similar in all the photoreceptors possessing this droplet. The irregularities in the membrane surrounding the lipid matrix show close...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1977) 99 (4): 386–390.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
...Davi T. Yew; Yau-wa Chan The effect of laser on the developing retinas of the rodents was studied. The visual cell layers and “the inner nuclear layers were involved. Acta anat. 99: 386-390 ( 1977) The effect of laser on the developing rodent retinas David T. Yew and Yau-wa Chan Departments...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1976) 96 (4): 561–567.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Retina Chick embryo Alcian blue RNA PAS Fast green Acta anat. 96: 561 567 (1976) The developmental histochemistry of the chicken visual cells D avid T. Y ew Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shalin...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1977) 97 (4): 419–422.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
... to in the content or advertisements. Alcohol Retina Visual cells Outer segments Acta anat. 97: 419^22 (1977) The effect of alcohol on the visual cells of the chicks David T. Yew, S.L. Ling Wong and Yiitt Ha Chan Department of Biology. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong Key words...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1977) 99 (2): 166–168.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
...Davi T. Yew; H.H. Woo; D.B. Meyer The retina of the owl was studied by the wet-mount method and the PAS technique. The presence of hyperboloids and paraboloids and three types of oil droplets was indicated. 30 08 1976 9 7 2008 © 1977 S. Karger AG, Basel 1977 Copyright / Drug...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1979) 104 (3): 332–334.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
...David T. Yew Aging of the retina and optic nerve was studied in 2.5- to 9-month-old albino mice. A change was found in the number of visual cells and in the distribution of large versus small optic nerve fibers. No significant change was found in the number of retinal phagosomes and in the total...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1979) 103 (3): 301–304.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
...David T. Yew; C.L. Wong; Yau-wa Chan Retinas of laser-irradiated mice were studied in the first 24 h after irradiation. Decrease in Na + and K + concentrations and in phagosome number and increase in pyknotic cells were observed several hours after irradiation. 23 12 1977 9 7 2008...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1977) 99 (1): 21–35.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
...Jan Cammermeyer The brains and retinas of laboratory animals fixed by perfusion occasionally contain isolated round fat emboli, which increase in number if the two organs are covered with oil during the autopsy. These emboli, in contrast to emboli induced by intravenous injection of oil...
Journal Articles