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Keywords: Nucleolus
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Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1986) 126 (3): 141–146.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
.... Nucleolus Interphase nucleus Pre-rRNA synthesis Morphometry Quantitative autoradiography A ctaanat. 126: 141-146(1986) © 1986 S. Karger AG. Basel 0001-5180/86/1265-0141 S 2.75/0 Relations between Nucleolar Morphometric Parameters and Pre-rRNA Synthesis in Animal and Plant Cells Gerardo H. Vázquez...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1978) 102 (4): 374–377.
Published Online: 11 July 2008
... to activate the neuronal nucleolus causing a flooding of the neurone with RNA. This trigger particle stains differently with Masson’s trichrome, giving a bright red colour. This altered reaction gives an insight into the feedback process for the formation of ribosomal RNA in the neurones. The alteration...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1978) 100 (1): 68–77.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
... budding either from one focal point or at several places on the body of the nucleolus. In the neurons which show chromatolytic changes, these extrusions migrate to the nuclear membrane, wherefrom they pass on to the cytoplasm through an evagination of the nuclear envelope. Such a migration appears...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1977) 98 (3): 281–294.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
... and the third type, that they are histiocytes coming from serous membranes. The life in vitro of the three cellular types is depending upon the composition of nourishing medium. Cells can divide by mitosis only during the first 10–15 days of culture (mitotic index 0.1–3.0‰). Nuclear amitosis, nucleolus...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1977) 98 (1): 91–96.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
... Metachromasia Nucleolus Colloidal iron Acta anat. 98: 91-96 (1977) Mucopolysaccharides in the dog spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia A histochemical study L. M. Garda-Segura, R. Martinez-Rodriguez and A. Toledano Laboratorio de Histoquímica, Instituto Caja!, Madrid. Spain Key words. Neurons Spinal cord...