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Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1994) 150 (2): 136–149.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
... in the formation of mineralized nodules containing matrix vesicles. The nodular surface at day 13 consisted of two or more layers of myofibroblast-like cells, while the deeper zones of the nodule contained cells displaying a morphology typical of calcified hypertrophic chondroblasts. These ultrastructural...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1991) 141 (1): 36–41.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
... of mineralization of the intervertebral disks and to determine their suitability as a model for ankylosing spondyloarthropathies. Intervertebral disks taken from affected mice from 4 to 18 weeks of age were studied by electron-microscopic, electron energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis and selected-area electron...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1991) 142 (2): 97–104.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
...K. Satomura; M. Nagayama Rat bone marrow stromal cells were cultured in vitro. At days 14–15 of culture, dense clusters of polygonal cells were formed, and they mineralized 2–3 days later. The cells resembling osteoblasts or young osteocytes were histologically observed to be embedded...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1986) 127 (2): 133–136.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...H.S. Sandhu; E.A. Tonna Tibiae from 11-day-old chick embryos, injected with 3 H-tetracycline, were autoradiographically analyzed at different stages to localize and study the dynamics of the initial phases of bone mineralization, 3 H-tetracycline was localized within newly formed trabeculae...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1985) 124 (3-4): 197–205.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
..., the fetuses were removed and the radii and ulnae dissected free of soft tissue. The bones were cultured for 6 days in media (BGJ) supplemented with 20% fetal calf serum and 150 µg/ml vitamin C. Growth and mineralization were estimated by measuring the total length of the bone, and diaphysis, and by light...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1987) 129 (3): 254–256.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...Harinder S. Sandhu Actin has been localized inTomes’ processes of the ameloblasts by the immunoperoxidase method using antiserum against purified rat actin. The zone of initial mineralization in dentin also gave a positive reaction. The possibility exists that actin may have a role in local...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1986) 126 (1): 34–40.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
...S. Chen; D.R. Eisenmann; A.E. Zaki; S.H. Ashrafi Calcium distribution in secretory ameloblasts was studied in rat incisor enamel in which mineralization was temporarily disturbed by injection of either fluoride or cobalt. Pyroantimonate precipitates of calcium were analysed morphometrically...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1980) 108 (2): 169–174.
Published Online: 10 July 2008
... with two oxidized and partly ionized ARS molecules. 15 05 1979 10 7 2008 Bone staining Oxidants Mineralization Actaanat. I OS: 169-174(1980) Effect of oxidizing agents on alizarin red S and its staining properties in vitro P. Virtanen and K. Isotupa Institute of Dentistry, University...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1982) 113 (1): 78–92.
Published Online: 10 July 2008
... of collagen type III support the assumption that the bony labyrinth of the adult guinea pig remains at a low level of development. However, the uniform mineralization, the abundance of osmiophilic lines, and the small amount of the cytoplasm in the osteocytes lead to the conclusion that in the bony labyrinth...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1978) 101 (2): 140–149.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
...Michael Silbermann; Gila Maor Immature female mice were treated with daily doses of triamcinolone diacetate. Using histochemical and fluorescent methods, the mineralization pattern of the proximal epiphyseal plate of the humerus was studied at various intervals. Following 1 injection, a noticeable...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1976) 96 (3): 429–443.
Published Online: 09 July 2008
... by osteoblasts, derived from mesenchymal cells. Later the fibrillar structure is lost and substituted by a homogenous substance. Chondroid starlike mineral deposits which are composed of needles appear in the vicinity of the cells. The chondral needles are longer and smaller than those in the bone. Finally...