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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1994) 150 (1): 45–54.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
...A. Braumann; U. Wulfhekel; P. Nielsen; B. Balkenhol; J. Düllmann Female Wistar rats with slight iron deficiency anemia were kept on a diet containing 0.5% trimethylhexanoyl (TMH)-ferrocene for up to 79 weeks. In the state of iron deficiency, the heart was free of light-microscopically detectable...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1995) 154 (2): 111–119.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
...A.R. Sinning; C.C. Hewitt; R.R. Markwald It has been shown that the inductively active proteins for cardiac mesenchyme formation are localized to a particulate form of extracellular matrix that resembles adheron-like complexes. These complexes are extractable from the embryonic heart using EDTA...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1996) 156 (1): 61–69.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
...I. Marić; D. Bobinac; Lj.. Ostojić; M. Petković; M. Dujmović The coronary sinus is an anatomic landmark and conduit for many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. We studied 40 human and 40 canine coronary sinuses of the heart in order to ascertain various functional anatomic features...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1996) 155 (4): 219–230.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
.... Epithelial-mesenchymal transformation Heart Extracellular matrix Induction Chicken AA cntaaatóm ica Original Paper Acta Anal 1996;155:219-230 A.R. Sinning C.C. Hewitt Department of Anatomy. University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson. Miss.. USA Identification of a 283-kDa Protein Component...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1996) 155 (4): 266–273.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
...P. Tangkawattana; A. Karkoura; M. Muto; S. Yamano; H. Taniyama; M. Yamaguchi Numerous rod bodies were found in a heart sample from a 33-year-old pony by a conventional electron-microscopic technique. The rod bodies were concentrated in localized areas of both atria and ventricles, without...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1994) 151 (2): 112–119.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
... in the guinea pig heart. This goal was achieved by double- and triple-labelling immunofluorescence. Dynorphin- and α-neoendorphin-immunoreactive nerve fibers were numerous around coronary blood vessels and among cardiomyocytes. They also contained immunoreactivities to the rate-limiting enzyme of catecholamine...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1995) 154 (3): 169–180.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
... to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Heart Development Spaceflight Differentiation Proliferation Chick Original Paper A da Anal 1995:154:169-180 S. van Twest A. Paulsen B. S. Spooner Division of Biology...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1991) 141 (3): 251–256.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
... or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Heart Cardiac growth Allometry Human embryos Morphometry Growth...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1991) 142 (4): 288–292.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
... and extending across the midline to overlap the left border of the heart which was positioned in the right hemithorax. The gross anatomy of the heart was normal save its position and the presence of only 2 pulmonary veins. Dissection of the heart showed all chambers in their classically described positions...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1993) 148 (1): 27–33.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
...R. Cayré; P. Valencia-Mayoral; V. Coffe-Ramírez; C. Sánchez-Gómez; P. Angelini; M.V. de la Cruz The purpose of this study was to describe the detailed anatomy and histology of the right atrioventricular valve apparatus in the chicken. Newborn and adult chicken hearts were studied by anatomic...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1989) 136 (4): 315–318.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
...Keshaw Kumar 132 hearts obtained from cadavers were dissected in order to study anomalies in the course and branches of human coronary arteries. Only in 1 heart was a deviation of the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery taking a course inferior to the coronary sulcus observed. The right...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1989) 136 (3): 185–189.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
...Paola Poggi; Carla Marchetti; Alberto Calligaro; Andrea Casasco A morphometric analysis was done on the lymph capillaries of both left and right ventricles from the rabbit heart. The measurements were made on the lymphatics identified in the subepicardium, myocardium and subendocardium...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1991) 140 (3): 294–296.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
..., found in 95% of 40 human hearts, should be considered a normal characteristic of the coronary circulation and an important anatomical factor for the clinical interpretation of pathological cardiac phenomena. 7 06 1990 25 07 1990 16 7 2008 © 1991 S. Karger AG, Basel 1991...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1992) 143 (4): 317–321.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
...D. Brkovic; H.-J. Gabius; A. Bardosi In order to study the distribution of endogenous sugar-binding proteins (lectins) in various areas of the adult bovine heart, we used a battery of biotinylated neo-glycoproteins. These tools expose carrier-immobilized carbohydrate moieties as ligands...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1988) 132 (2): 143–149.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
..., quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Human embryo Human fetus Supraventricular crest Arterial supply Heart Acta...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1987) 129 (2): 165–168.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Cocaine Histochemistry Arterioles Myocytes Cardiomyocytes Heart Acta anat. 129: 165-168 (1987) Cocaine: Long-Term Administration Depletes Cardiac Enzymes in the Rat Michael E. Trulson, Lisa R. Epps, John C. Joe Department...