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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1995) 152 (3): 185–194.
Published Online: 17 July 2008
...H.-P. Hohn; G. Huch; U. Tlolka; H.-W. Denker The expression of the cell surface glycoprotein CD44 was monitored in rabbit endometrium during early pregnancy and pseudopregnancy by immunohistochemistry. The epitope was not detected in the uterine epithelium of nonpregnant does; in pseudopregnant...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1992) 144 (3): 231–234.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
...A.T. Bijovsky; T.M.T. Zorn; P.A. Abrahamsohn An ultrastructural cytochemical study of acid phosphatase activity performed in mouse endometrium on the second day of pregnancy showed that stromal cells which were heavily labeled by the cytochemical reaction had disarranged organelles. On the other...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1990) 137 (1): 86–92.
Published Online: 16 July 2008
...Koji Miyoshi; Kiyoshi Shimizu; Masami Hokano On the morning of the day of parturition, several parts in the endometrium showed edema in which collagen birefringence was not observed, indicating that collagen degradation occurs firstly in the edematous area. Undegra-dated collagen might...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1985) 122 (4): 205–211.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
... to in the content or advertisements. Progesterone Nucleus Endometrium Ribonucleoproteins 21 07 1984 1 09 1984 15 7 2008 Acta anal. 122:205-211 (1985) © 1985 S. Karger AG. Basel 0001-5180/85/1224-0205 $2.75/0 Effects of Progesterone on Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Constituents...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1985) 123 (2): 93–100.
Published Online: 15 July 2008
... or services advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Uterus Endometrium Epithelium...
Journal Articles
Acta Anatomica (1978) 102 (3): 308–318.
Published Online: 11 July 2008
..., instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Estradiol Interphase nucleus Endometrium Electron microscopy Quantitative stereology Acta anat. 102: 308-318 (1978) Effects of ovariectomy and estradiol injection on nuclear structures of endometrial epithelial cells' Gerardo H...