This study reports on investigations of the thoracodorsal artery by injection studies.This artery has a long proximal extramuscular course before it enters the muscle. A consistent neurovascular hilum was found at a considerably constant location on the inferior muscle surface, 2–3 cm medial to its lateral edge and about 5 cm distal to the inferior scapular border. A constant branching pattern of the thoracodorsal artery into a lateral and a medial vessel stem was found. A high number of muscle-perforating arteries form a dense network in the cutaneous and subcutaneous layer. The thoracodorsal artery supplies the whole cutaneous area adjacent to the latissimus dorsi muscle plus a streak of about 2 cm at the medial and distal muscle borders. The presented anatomical landmarks are useful for locating the neurovascular hilum, and the intramuscular course of the thoracodorsal artery for exploration of the vessel by Doppler sonography or dissection. The length of the pedicle and the relatively big vessel gauge are good anatomical markers for the free transfer of a latissimus dorsi flap.