The cytometric evolution of different subcellular components in the epiblast and the mesoderm of chick embryo during neurulation has been studied with stereological methods. The coefficient of cellular form (CFc) has specific values for each type, the epiblast having a mean CFc of 0.474, while the mesoderm, which has ellipsoidal cells, has a mean CFc of 0.643. The nucleus does not show any change of its coefficient of form although its surface density increases significantly. The proportion of mitochondria, present in the cells of each embryonic layer, remains constant during the 4 stages, being higher in the mesoderm cells (epiblast 3.6%; mesoderm 4.3%). The epiblast cells show a stable vitelline reserve, though the relative proportions of lipid bodies and yolk droplets vary: the volume density of yolk droplets increases from stage 5 (3.1%) to stage 8 (7.7%), while the lipid bodies diminish from 7 to 3.6% during this period. The mesoderm cells undergo a remarkable loss of vitelline volume during the same period. The rough endoplasmic reticulum of each cellular type has a remarkable length density increase, the significance of which is discussed in relation to production of extracellular matrix.