Synapses between neurons with corticotropin-releasing-factor-(CRF)-like immunoreactivities and other immunonegative neurons in the hypothalamus of colchicine-treated rats, especially in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and the supraoptic nucleus (SON) were observed by immunocytochemistry using CRF antiserum. The immunoreactive nerve cell bodies and fibers were numerous in both the PVN and the SON. The CRF-containing neurons had synaptic contacts with immunonegative axon terminals containing a large number of clear synaptic vesicles alone or combined with a few dense-cored vesicles. We also found CRF-like immunoreactive axon terminals making synaptic contacts with other immunonegative neuronal cell bodies and fibers. And since some postsynaptic immunonegative neurons contained many large neurosecretory granules, they are considered to be magnocellular neurosecretory cells. These findings suggest that CRF functions as a neurotransmitter and/or modulator in addition to its function as a hormone.