International Journal on Comprehensive Care and Prevention of Vascular Diseases
The Interdisciplinary Journal for Basic and Clinical Vascular Research
Bringing together basic, translational, and clinical research across a range of disciplines, Pulse provides a forum for communicating the latest findings and hypotheses that enhance our understanding of the entire spectrum of vascular research. This includes arterial stiffness and pulsatile hemodynamics in health and disease, vascular health, risk and disease as well as the use of precision medicine for novel diagnosis, therapy and prevention, and the interconnection with the cardiovascular system. The transdisciplinary approach of the journal fosters collaboration in relevant areas including cardiology, nephrology, neurology, endocrinology, diabetology, gerontology, and general medicine.
The journal welcomes submissions from all areas of vascular research, including but not limited to epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnostics, therapeutics, and prevention.
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News & Highlights
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Vascular Structure and Function in Exercise
The Pulse journal brought together in this article collection research and review articles that focus on furthering our understanding of vascular structure and function in exercise.
Vascular Research and Pulsatile Phenomena
Learn more about topics in the field of vascular research and pulsatile phenomena with the webinar series on 2022 Highlights from Pulse.