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Obesity Facts

The European Journal of Obesity

Editor: Ludvik, B. (Vienna, Austria)

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Obesity Facts publishes articles covering all aspects of obesity, in particular epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, treatment, and the prevention of adiposity. As obesity is related to many disease processes, the journal is also dedicated to all topics pertaining to comorbidity and covers psychological and sociocultural aspects as well as influences of nutrition and exercise on body weight.

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Logo Deutsche Adipositas-Gesellschaft (DAG)

Call for Applications 2024

Adipositas Research Prize for outstanding young and early-career researchers in the field of obesity (EUR 2500.00)

Innovation Prize awarded by the DAG and AGA for innovative and sustainable projects for the prevention and treatment of obesity in adults (EUR 1000)

Psychosomatic Prize recognizes outstanding scientific work dealing with psychosocial aspects of the causes, prevention and treatment of obesity and its effects in adults, children and adolescents (EUR 2500.00)

The prizes will be awarded to the successful candidates at the DAG’s yearly conference taking place from Oct. 16 to 18, 2024 in Cologne, Germany. Follow the links to each prize to learn more about requirements and the application process.

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