Lifestyle Genomics
Lifestyle-Gene Interactions and their Influence on Health and Disease
Lifestyle Genomics aims to provide a forum for highlighting new advances in the broad area of lifestyle-gene interactions and their influence on health and disease. The journal welcomes novel contributions that investigate how genetics may influence a person’s response to lifestyle factors, such as diet and nutrition, natural health products, physical activity, and sleep, amongst others. Additionally, contributions examining how lifestyle factors influence the expression/abundance of genes, proteins, and metabolites in cell and animal models as well as in humans are also of interest. The journal will publish high-quality original research papers, brief research communications, reviews outlining timely advances in the field, and brief research methods pertaining to lifestyle genomics. It will also include a unique section under the heading “Market Place” presenting articles of companies active in the area of lifestyle genomics. The section Marketplace presents articles of companies active in the area of lifestyle genomics.
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Preclinical Investigations to Advance Understanding of Nutrigenetic and Nutrigenomic Targets
Extended Submission Deadline:
April 30, 2025
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