Human Development
Offers New Insights into Human Development throughout the Life Span
Distinguished by its international recognition since 1958, Human Development publishes theoretical and metatheoretical contributions to the study of psychological development, including conceptually, historically, and methodologically oriented integrative reviews of lines of developmental research. Contributions serve to raise theoretical issues, flesh out interesting and potentially powerful ideas, and conceptually differentiate key constructs within developmental science. Contributions come primarily from developmental psychology but are welcome from other relevant disciplines. Descriptions of empirical evidence to support theoretical arguments or help integrate issues of theory, methods, and evidence (especially across disciplines) are also welcome but only insofar as they are employed for strictly illustrative purposes in the service of a conceptual contribution to the field.
About this Journal
News & Highlights
Research Viewpoints
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New Editor-in-Chief
We are excited to announce that Prof. David Witherington (University of New Mexico) will start as the new Editor-in-Chief of Human Development on July 1, 2023. We thank Prof. Susan Rivera for her dedication throughout her editorship of the journal for the past years and look forward to work together with Prof. Witherington.
Issues & Articles
Online-First Articles
Accepted and fully citable articles not yet assigned to an issue.