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Acta Haematologica

Editor: Raanani, P. (Petah Tikva)

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A Single Source for International Hematology Research and Clinical Practice Since 1948

Acta Haematologica is a well-established and internationally recognized clinically oriented journal featuring balanced, wide-ranging coverage of current hematology research. A wealth of information on such problems as anemia, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, hereditary disorders, blood coagulation, growth factors, hematopoiesis, and differentiation is contained in first-rate basic and clinical research papers – some of which are accompanied by editorial comments by eminent experts. These are supplemented by short state-of-the-art communications, reviews, and correspondence as well as occasional special issues devoted to “hot topics” in hematology. Cutting-edge clinical information, along translational research relevant to clinical daily life, will keep the practicing hematologist well informed of the new developments in the field.

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Best Reviewer Award 2022

Portrait Deborah Rund

The Best Reviewer Award for the year 2022 is presented to Professor Deborah Rund from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. We are grateful for her ongoing support and invaluable contributions.

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